2015 如何购买日本中部优惠车票How to purchase Central Japan Discounted Tickets

2015 如何购买日本中部优惠车票:
How to purchase Central Japan Discounted Tickets

If you plan to visit places in central Japan, you could consider to purchase 3 day or 5 day pass.
1. 金泽 Kanazawa
2. 白川乡 Shirakawa-go (山区,只有巴士)
3. 名古屋 Nagoya
4. 高山 Takayama (山区,只有巴士)

3 day pass costs Yen7,000, 5 day pass costs Yen14,000 (peak season). This pass will give you unlimited ride to the above places. Low season will be cheaper. This pass will entitle you to ride train to central Japan airport from designated places. It is much cheaper to buy those passes. This pass can only be purchased and used by visitor.

As a comparison, the return bus fare from Takayama to Shirakawago costs around Yen5,000, one way Yen2,500.

如何买票和换票:How to purchase and exchange the pass.

1. 我在Japanican.com网站开户口买票,语文EN(英语)。I log into Japanican.com website by creating a new account.
2. 进人网站,选Extras,然后选Bus passes/tickets. Once log in,select "Extras" tab, then select "Bus passes/tickets".
3. 选(移动滑鼠到SHORYUDO 3-Day Highway Bus Passes 或 5-Day Highway Bus Passes),以你的行程为准。Select your preferred pass, 3 day or 5day.

4. 选定日期,人数,确认数额对,在"I read and understand..."打x,然后移至"add to cart"按键。
输入名字,性别。Key in the travel date, pax and confirm the amount. Put an 'x' next to "I read and understand...", then add to cart.

5.  输入以下资料,最重要的须选定换票地点(voucher exchange place)。换票地点很重要,一定要正确。Input the following information as per screen and select your preferred voucher exchange place. You have to be sure of the voucher exchange place, that is the only place you selected you could exchange the voucher.

6. 确认资料对。Confirm all info are correct.

7. 输入信用卡资料。

8. 在"I have read and agree all applicable terms..."前面打x,然后在”Book now"按键。
Put an 'x' next to "I have read and agree all applicable terms...", then press "Book now".

9. 当银行的信用卡完成过账,这个交易就完成。你会在你的电子邮箱收到一封确认电邮。这封电邮很重要,印出来。One your credit card details are confirmed by your bank, the transaction is completed. You will receive an email in your mailbox to confirm this. Print out a copy.

10. 抵达当天,拿着那封印出来的电邮和户照,到你所选定的换票地点(voucher exchange place)换票(voucher)。你会拿到类似以下的cover和voucher。每人一份。
On the day to exchange the voucher, bring the printed email and all the passports to your selected voucher exchange place to exchange for the voucher. You will receive (a) and (b) below.

a) cover

b) voucher

11. 关于所要去的地点,必须在柜台询问是否需要换车票。有一些地点需要预定时间和拿另外一张车票。For those places you plan to visit, check with the counter if you need to exchange for bus ticket. Some places require prior booking and another bus ticket with date/time will be issued to you.

For example:
a) 比如从名古屋去高山,我就到名古屋的车站柜台选日期和时间,然后拿车票。
From Nagoya to Takayama, I went to Nagoya bus centre counter, select date/time and collect the bus ticket.
b) 从高山去白川乡,也得在高山车站柜台选日期和时间,然后拿车票。这个预定就坐直通车,直接从高山到白川乡。
From Takayama to Shirakawago, I went to Takayama bus centre counter, select date/time and collect the bus ticket. This ticket will reserve the direct non-stop bus from Takayama to Shirakawago.
c) 从高山去白川乡,也可以不定日期和时间。但须在高山车站排队等车,坐的不是直通车,是慢车。每站都停,须约多20分钟时间。
Another option is from Takayama to Shirakawago, no booking is require but you may go to the bus stand and queue up for the bus. This is subject to available seats in the bus. In the event of big crowds, you may have to wait longer. This bus will stop at every bus stop from Takayama to Shirakawago.

The same works from Shirakawago to Takayama as per (b) and (c).

You also can take the bus from Kanazawa to Shirakawago and return or from Shirakawago to Takayama.


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