2015 如何购买日本长途车票 How to purchase Japan highway bus ticket

如何购买日本长途车票 How to purchase Japan highway bus ticket

1. 可在网上购买长途车票,通常可买30天内的车票。有好几个网站可以买。
You can purchase the Japan highway bus ticket online. There are a few website to use.
2. 须在特定网站开个户口,用信用卡过账。购买时付清。也有取消期限,有一些网站在取消定票须付一些费用。最后一分钟取消没有退款。
You need to open an account in that website, use credit card to perform the transaction. Full payment upon booking. There is a dateline for cancellation but subject to a fee. No refund for last minute cancellation.
3. 长途车票分为日间和晚间。Highway bus ticket are separated by day or night time.
4. 我用这个网站购买“东京-名古屋Tokyo-Nagoya”和“平汤-东京Hirayu-Tokyo”的车票。
I use http://willerexpress.com/ to purchase bus ticket from Tokyo to Nagoya and Hirayu to Tokyo.
5. 你须选从那个城市去你要去的城市,日期和时间和人数。有些城市有几个上下车站,也须注明。然后输入信用卡过账。
Select the from and to city, date, time and pax. Some cities have a few bus stops / drop off points, you need to clearly specify. Enter your credit card details to purchase.
6. 付款后,一封确认购买车票的邮件会寄到你的电子邮箱。查看清楚所定的车票。
Once your bank confirmed the transaction, the purchase is completed and you will receive an email as confirmation. Check the details in your email.
7. 这封电邮就是您的车票证明。您必须打印一份。也可收在您手机或电子邮箱。
This confirmation email is your proof to ride the bus. You need to print a copy. You may download into your handphone and show the bus conductor.
8. 于当天,带着这封电邮,到您所选定的车站等车就是啦。
On the day, bring your email to the selected bus stop to wait for the bus.
9. 一般上,日本人对时间拿的好准。如果你迟到,巴士可能离开了!
Japanese are very punctual! If you are late, the bus might have left. Suggest to be at the bus stop 15 minutes early.
10. 由于我有13位团员,网站只一次可买最多9位,须分两次买。
My group have 13 pax, this website only allow to purchase 9 pax per transaction. I have to do two transactions.
11. 本人在2012年和2015年订过Willer Express的长途车票,感觉不错。2012年是从金泽去京都,是六人自由行。
I have booked and rode the Willer bus three time. Once in 2012 and twice in 2015. The service is good. For 2012, we took the bus from Kanazawa to Kyoto.


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