Home based part time Accounting Services 兼职会计服务


1)会计服务 - 月 / 季 / 年

兼职会计服务 - 如何运作
a) 我会到贵公司领取所需文件或讨论。
b) 我在家里处理账目。
c) 处理完毕后,全部文件交回贵公司保管。
d) 我会提供一份整理好的财务报表。
e) 我到贵公司的次数,事前商量好

4)给于有关EPF, Socso,EIS, PCB的指导


a) Sole Proprietor/ Enterprise
RM 3000-5000/year 年
RM 800-1300/quarter 季
RM 300-500/month 月

b) Sdn Bhd 
RM 5000-7200/year 年
RM 1400-1800/quarter 季
RM 500-700/month  月


如果公司在沙登区以外,公司需付来回车费。来回车费包括每公里50 sen,过路费和停车费。



https://wa.me/+60123723622 或联络林先生 +60123723622

I provide home based accounting service. I have vast experience in handling full set of accounts. I offer good services at cost effective prices.

Services provided are :
1. Accounting services for Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly
2. Reconstruct Accounts from Old / Messy Records

Home based accounting services - how it works
a) Come to your office to collect the documents / discussion
b) Work done remotely at home
c) Once tasks completed, all documents will be returned to the company for safe keeping
d) Copy of the accounts to be provided to the company
e) Frequency to visit your company will be discussed and agreed upon

Service included:
1. Complete full set of Financial Statement include Income statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes of Equity and Cash Flow Statement
2. Work with auditor and tax agent during audit period and tax filling period where needed
3. Advice on simple filling system.
4. Advice on government statutory submission (EPF, SOCSO, EIS,PCB etc)

My background:
1. Completed Chartered Institute of Management Account (CIMA), UK exam
2. Ex-member of CIMA 
3. More than 2 years as cost accountant in an MNC.
4. Computer literate and familiar with accounting software and ERP system

Indicative Accounting Service fees: 
a) Sole Proprietor/ Enterprise
RM 3000-5000/year
RM 800-1300/quarter
RM 300-500/month

b) Sdn Bhd 
RM 5000-7200/year
RM 1400-1800/quarter
RM 500-700/month 

Coverage area:
a) I provide the remote accounting services in the area of Seri Kembangan.

b) If the company is located outside of Seri Kembangan area, reimbursement of transport expense is required. The reimbursement cost to cover mileage (50 sen / KM) to/fro, toll charge and parking where relevant.

*Fees will be based on complexity and volume of transactions after discussion and review of sample documents. Prior agreement and confirmation is needed before the start of the accounting services.

If your need a part time onsite accounting service, you are welcome to discuss.

https://wa.me/+60123723622 or contact Mr Lim at +60123723622


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