2019/08/25 PBUPMA EGM特大

PBUPMA 特大于25/08/2019在沙登佛教会举行。出席特大会议会员有24位。






*2019 PBUPM-A Extraordinary General Meeting*

博大佛学校友会在2019年8月25日(星期日)下午2时在沙登佛教会召开了特别会员大会,总共有24位注册会员出席和两位博大佛学会理事列席。在特大中,博大佛学会理事提呈了购置会所的计划。在会员表决后,大会*通过购置会所的议案*。修改校友会现有章程的信托人制度的提案也获得大会的通过。校友会秘书, 蔡毓琳之后会将特大会议记录和章程修改在30天内呈交社团注册局的线上系统。购置会所的后续工作也会由副主席,古宏良和副秘书,邹翔源继续推动。若有任何重大进展,我们会在群组内公布。



On 25th August 2019 (Sunday), PBUPM-A called for an EGM at 2pm at Serdang Buddhist Association with 24 registered members in attendance and 2 PBUPM EXCOs as audiences. During the EGM, PBUPM-A EXCO presented the project of center purchasing. After the voting of members, the EGM *has adopted the proposal of purchasing a center*. The proposal to amend the current constitution involving trustee system has also been adopted. PBUPM-A Secretary, Chai Yee Lim will be submitting the EGM minute and constitution amendment to the online system of Registrar of Society (ROS) within 30 days. The subsequent work to purchase the center will be pushed forward by the Vice President, Ku Hong Leong, and Vice Secretary, Eow Shiang Yen. Should there be any major updates, we will announce them in this group.

PBUPM-A EXCO hereby takes the opportunity to thanks the alumni who attended the EGM to provide suggestions and vote. PBUPM-A is established based on the concept of “continuing the spiritual companionship, together we practise the Buddha-Dhamma”. Under the different circumstances of each term, it has come to its 13rd years this year. The plan to own a center was already mentioned in the PBUPM-A Blueprint in year 2006. Credits to the forward thinking and courage displayed by the alumni in the past, today the proposal to purchase the center has come to its fruition, planting the seeds for PBUPM-A to own a center in the future. The sharing by some alumni throughout the EGM on the concept of PBUPM-A and experience in planning for center purchasing is touching. While PBUPM-A is not an especially active Buddhist organization, we hope that its continues to play the role of a big tree, standing firmly on the ground to serve PBUPM and alumni when there is a need for shading, sheltering from rain, and relying. 

Again, a big thanks to all alumni who shield and sustain PBUPM-A. We sincerely hope for your accompanying, care, support, and participation in the future.

*Shiang Yen representing 2018-2020 PBUPM-A EXCO*


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