
Showing posts from February, 2019

2019/02/01Perlis Gua Kelam暗窿游

今天到北马北方小镇kaki bukit 暗窿游gua Kelam. 以前,这小镇因产锡米而繁荣。Gua Kelam 是因产锡米而开,目前只留下回忆。 入门票成人2零吉,小孩1零吉。外国人每人5零吉。 这个洞有一个走道,350米。从入口走,可以观赏到洞里的岩石,蝙蝠。 未端的出口。。。 洞里金黄色的石头。。。 洞口,门票前的。 洞外古树参天!有几颗古树,树枝头射出水花,好奇妙!

2019/02/01合艾自驾游 Hatyai trip by road

从马泰边境,可由黑木山或巴当忽杀关口通关。从关口到合艾市区约55公里,车程约一个小时。巴当忽杀关口较少车,通关较快。 关于通关需要什么文件,保险等,查看另一编。 A short trip from Malaysia border to Hatyai via road on 1 Feb 2019. We drive across to the Hatyai, cross via the padang besar immigration, it takes about 55 km from padang besar to hatyai. Generally, padang besar is less busier compared to bukit kayu hitam when crossing the border from/to Thailand. Places of interest... Koyo Island ... Hatyai municipal park -合艾市政府公园 Koyo Island Growing mussels in the lake, the stick on the water is the growing area. 在水中养青壳。。。 Ball ball tree这颗树的果又圆又大粒 Ferry to cross over to the lake - a 5 minutes cruise that's cost THB20 per car.  车码头,渡轮载车去对面的岛,五分钟就抵达。一辆车泰币20。 Dragon龙 Lunch at hatyai near the mermaid美味的午餐 Songkhla Central mosque 当地清真寺,是热门的回教徒注册结婚的地方。听说好多大马人来这边注册,尤其是第二个老婆。 Wine village - hungry sheeps酒庄的棉羊好饿 Kim Yong market - a popular morning market with lots of trader...

2019/02/01-03 从大马开车去泰国,需要什么文件drive to Thailand (hatyai), what documents needed

A short trip from penang to hatyai via road on 1 Feb 2019. We drive across to the Hatyai, cross via the padang besar immigration, it takes about 55 km from padang besar to hatyai. Generally, padang besar is less busier compared to bukit kayu hitam when crossing the border from/to Thailand. What is needed if you drive to hatyai from malaysia : 1. Your passport 2. Car registration card - owner 3. Purchase Thai insurance at border or agent near border, it costs RM15 to cover only all passengers in the car and third parties persons only 4. Additional cover for third parties property can be purchased at RM68. 5. Agent can assist to fill up the White card, RM2 per card 6. For car, TM2 and TM3 formed need to be filled up, agent cost RM5 for both. 7. Once you have all documents ready, drive through MY immigration and get your passport clear by immigration. At padang besar, all passengers can follow the car, drive through and clear immigration. 8. At Thai immigration, park your car. A...