2017/07/30 National MAHA SANGHIKADANA

30/7/2017马佛基金會2017全国供佛斋僧大会 照片分享。。。 2017 National MAHA SANGHIKADANA event held on 30/7/2017 at The Convention 33, Prangin Mall, Penang attended by around 230 buddhist monks and nuns. 01。大银幕背景 main hall 02。周边布景decorative corners around the hall 03。法师集合处 monks and nuns assembled areas 04。圆桌供八位法师用餐 round table setting for 8 pax 05。手礼 - 浴巾 small token gift - towels 06。信众坐位 devotees sitting areas 07。桌位布置 tables settings 08。大会司仪 master of ceremony 09。信众领法师入席 leading sangha members to the table 10。主桌 main tables 09。法师入席+++ 11。赞助人开幕ribbon cutting by sponsors 09。+++ 12。马佛基金會主席致词 ybbm chairman delivering welcoming speech 13。马佛青总秘书致词ybam secretary general delivering speech 14。南传法师诵经chanting by Theravada monks 15。北传法师诵经,上供 chanting by mahayana monks 16。藏传法师诵经cha...