2017/01/29 Penang Street hawkers food 槟城美食

Penang Road famous Chendul and hawkers food. 槟城著名蚝煎,炒果条,虾面,叻沙,卤面,煎蕊等道地食物,景贵街。。。 Opposite the penang police HQ, you will find the "pasar chowrasta" where you could buy local delicacy such as dry nutmeg, dry mango, various types of biscuits, packed white curry noodle, nutmeg made produce etc. 在槟榔律警察总部对面的市场Pasar Chowrasta ,是游客必去的地方。那里可以买到道地的产品如豆蔻干,芒果干,饼干白加里面等,带回去送礼。也可以品尝。 From Penang Road, after Komtar on the right of a small lane, lebuh keng swee, to the penang famous Chendul stores. Two stores opposite each other. You will notice the right hand store always have many people queue up. However, the quality and taste for both stores are about the same. I prefer the store on the left side. 著名的煎蕊就在这巷口里,左右各一档。二档的品尝都不错。右边的总是排长龙,我觉得左边的好吃,右边的也大同小一呀!