
Showing posts from July, 2016

29/7/2016 World Fellowship of Buddhist meeting in KL

29/7/2016 World Fellowship of Buddhist (WFB) Asean region meeting was held at Palace of the Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur. Below photos of the delegates welcoming dinner.

2016/07/23 檳城美食和土产Penang food and local delicacy

檳能律Jalan Penang 美食就在这巷子里-景贵街 这里有各种美食如煎蕾,叻沙,嘛芝,炒粿条,卤肉,沙爹,粿条汤等等等。。。 如果是榴莲季节,还可以尝尝榴莲。。。猫山王,黑刺等各名种呀! 煎蕾,有两档打对台!可尝尝那个没什么人排队的,也不错呀! 蔴芝,是流动档口,有福气才可尝到哟 叻沙,就在咖啡店里。。。也有好多美味小食 榴莲季节,RM15-35 警察局对面就是吉灵万山,后面就是当地人的早市场。前面有好多档口,卖当地土产。 多样化,价钱中中。 豆沙饼,每盒32粒RM10-12。 豆蔻,芒果干。一包RM5,三包RM10。 豆蔻油,豆蔻膏 槟城白咖里面 散装土产

2016/07/23 檳城美食南洋和泰国餐

味道不错,菜式多样,特色菜。價钱中等,是当地人的餐厅。晚餐都好多人,需要等10-15分钟。。。鱼新鲜但市场價。。。 嗚达Otak otak特别,鱼肉大塊,还有二隻大虾,價钱RM13。 濑尿虾炒咸 蛋 RM13。 蒸鱼RM52 还有好多泰式甜点。。只可惜肚子饱了装不下。。。下次再来

2016/07/24 National Mahasanghikadana 2016全国供佛斋僧

2016/07/24 第26届全国供佛斋僧大会在檳州华人大会堂举行。 约有150位僧众出席此盛会及接受供养。以下是现场盛况照片分享。 The 26th National Mahasanghikana was held at the Penang Chinese Town Hall. Around 150 monks and nuns came to accept the food offering from the devotees. Below are photos of this great event. May the merits accrued from this great event be shared with the beings.