Sri Lanka online visa application Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) Malaysian requires a visa to visit Sri Lanka. You could apply the visa online, the fee is USD35/pax (as of Jun 2016), approval seems to be instance and online when your payment has been made via credit card. However, it general takes two working days to approve for those without issues or complete with info submitted. The validity of the visa is three months after the issue date, after the validity date, it is no longer valid for use. 锡兰网上签证申请:旅游等 签证费是美金35,可在入境二次,共30天。如果第一次入境用5天,第二次只剩25天。签证有效期一般是发出日期的三个月内,过后失效。 签证分部图。。。 For other countries, you may check the list and requirements on their immigration website. ref : link to Sri Lanka Visa policy in wiki as reference only. Visa information references. worldwide/sri-lankan-eta-visa. aspx If there is any variation or changes to the visa requirements, you should...